My first 3D sceneΒΆ

Download the example: material file, object file

from py3dengine.utils.WavefrontOBJFormat.WavefrontOBJReader import WavefrontOBJReader
from py3dengine.scenes.GLScene import GLScene
from py3dengine.bin.RunScene import RunScene

w = WavefrontOBJReader('DolphinScene.obj')

scene = GLScene()
scene.objects = w.objects
scene.cameras = w.cameras

camera = scene.getCamera('Camera1')

ray     = camera.addRay( 100, 100 )
collision = ray.collidePlanZ(0);

print('Point of collision with the Z plain', collision)

floor   = scene.getObject('Floor')
collision = ray.collide([floor])

print('Point of collision with object Foor,', collision)

run = RunScene(scene)

Stdout output

Collision with the Z plain (-15.97673643616865, -18.90785099921925, 0.0)
Collision with object Foor, (29.07119617403152, (-15.97673643616865, -18.90785099921925, 0.0), <py3dengine.objects.RectangleObject.RectangleObject object at 0x7f1198e7cac8>)

Output scene window
